
Everyone wants to attain a fairer and clear skin in any ways but the problem is it requires a proper care to take which almost lacks because of a busy lifestyle. The demand of fairness and brightening treatments are on hike these days. People are ready to spend a lot of money on these artificial techniques but to go through some natural home remedies. Today, in this blog we are going to introduce you with some of the best natural home face packs which help you to get a naturally fairer skin. There is also a natural product Nirmali ayurvedic pimple syrup which is quite famous for the all purpose skin treatment.

Here are some of the natural home packs to get an instant fairness:

Glycerin & lemon face mask

 It is one of the most astonishing face masks to get an instant fairness. To prepare this mask all you need to do is take four tablespoon of lemon juice and one and a half tablespoon of glycerin. Now mix them well and apply it all over your face and neck with the help of cotton buds. For better results leave it overnight and rinse off your face in the morning.

 Papaya & Tomato face mask

These fruits are enriched with high power antioxidants and fairness elements. Take one ripe tomato and one papaya, mash them up and mix them well now apply it on your face and neck. Let it dry and rinse off with cold water. Apart from this one can use Nirmali ayurvedic pimple syrup which is extravagantly effective in any skin related issues.

Strawberry & Honey face pack

Strawberry has the skin lightening properties which helps in lightening the skin tone. To make this face pack you need to take some strawberries about 8-10 pieces, two table spoon honey and you can also add a piece of ginger in it. Grind these ingredients into a mixer and apply it all over your face. Once it gets dry, rinse it off with cold water.

In this way, these above face packs can provide you a natural glowing and fair skin. Along with it drink Nirmali ayurvedic pimple syrup and get a solution to all your problems.